Zarrin Group

What We Do

Part of our group services

Local Trade

Since 1930 presence in the fresh produce business in Iran, which today falls under the operation of Emami Trading, began with direct selling of our own produce and expanded over the years through distribution and sales of produce grown by local farmers and growers. Through years of experiences we give them advice on the variety and volumes of production throughout the year. Sales grew by purchasing various produce from large plantations and greenhouses which were mainly private or public agro-industrial complexes selling their produce through tenders, and has increased rapidly ever since especially with the addition of imported produce.
Studying chemical engineering at university, Shahab got the opportunity to focus on fruits postharvest physiology and extending shelf life at cold store by manipulating temperature and humidity by which he could offer fruits out of season and make value added goods.
Today with Emami Trading’s superior position in local trade and Zarrin companies’ active presence in importing fruit; we are able to supply and offer a wider variety of produce. Our complete assortment of high quality produce gives more sales opportunities to our sales agents in numerous fruit & vegetable wholesale markets in the country.
Bringing together our years of experience and knowledge and believing that up-to-date distribution knowledge is of essence, we are playing an active role in the demand and supply chain of fresh produce in our country; supplying high volumes of high quality fruits and extending their shelf life with up-to-date equipment either for domestic use, exports or for fruit processing industries such as concentrates and preserves.


Although Iran a four season country is rich in agriculture with high volumes of produce, the large population and high amount of fruit consumption has created the demand for more varieties of fruit and created the opportunity for growth in this sector. Although many sorts of produce are grown in the country, but due to the seasonal availability of the products, not all produce are available all year round. In addition, tropical fruits although highly favoured by Iranian consumers, are not grown in the country due to the climate. Periodic droughts, floods and freezing conditions occasionally affect local productions, increasing the demand for imported produce.

Iran’s plan to join the WTO over the years has also created the opportunity for growth in fresh produce trade and opened doors to foreign traders. Production should be based on relative advantage and the choice of investments in production or import should be carefully investigated. Free import of produce into Iran has also created competition among local producers and traders and contributed to the quality of the products and improvements in packaging.

Our high quality Zarrin products are supplied from multinational companies and many countries around the world as the policy is to choose for quality rather than quantity. Beside contracts with suppliers, spot purchase especially for banana is also being done professionally by Zarrin Group.

Our imported produce and country of origin based on Iran import regulations have been as –and not limited to- below:

After years of stoppage for Ecuador Dole banana import to Iran, Zarrin made contract with Dole in 2017 and restarted this well-known brand to Iran Market.
It should be highlighted that studying and investing on Malaysian N36 pineapple development for fresh consumption due to its lower price than MD2/MG3 Variety and also for processing industry, Zarrin was the first trader of this variety.
Zarrin is the pioneer in importing India bananas and encouraging Indian companies to export bananas to Middle east especially Iran considering India’s high banana production despite high banana consumption- as banana is a part of India’s culture and is consumed in all festivals and celebrations. Zarrin arranged to move sophisticated workforce from Malaysia to India in order to train and help building mobile packing houses from Bangalore in Kadapa which was the first in the region.


Iran is an active exporter of many agricultural products such as saffron, pistachios, dates and pomegranates.When it comes to fresh fruit and vegetables, the large consumption volumes of the population, limits export volumes.
In addition, the ever increasing price of produce over the years, increasing costs of packaging along with high pricing competition among regional producers along with fixed exchange rates in Iran leave little opportunity for profitable export.

Our exporting activities are as below:


In addition to our exporting local fruits to Central Asia, we have seasonal re-exporting activities of fresh produce in Central Asia.
Based on orders, we sometimes re-export bananas and citrus to Central Asia through Iran. And also we have cooperated with them as in Tajikistan to transfer necessary technology for ripening.
Not only do we supply fruit to Central Asia, but over the years we have transferred our knowledge in banana ripening and educating them in the field such as Tajikistan.
Central Asia doesn’t have access to International waters and also due to persistence of cold weather and higher costs of Russia route, Iran’s geo-political location in the region makes it the ideal transit terminal to these countries especially for perishable produce which requires the shortest, safest and fastest transfer route.

Storage & Logistics

For our international transport, shipping our produce in reefers; we have been working in direct cooperation and collaboration with many international shipping lines such as Maersk Line, CMA CGM, MSC, OOCL, Kline, PIL, Hyundai, Wan Hai, Hapag Lioyd, Hanjin, COSCO, Yang Ming, Evergreen; identifying and choosing for the best shipping solutions with shortest transit times based on yearly contracts with them and allocating weekly spaces to our suppliers. Having gained significant recognition over the years, we hugely benefit from their support. Zarrin was the first to use Maersk Starcare containers to risk importing Ecuador bananas directly to Iran with about 45-50 days transit time.

By imposing sanctions on Iran and discontinuing direct shipping services from Ecuador to Iran, Zarrin changed the route in order to resume his agreements and fulfil his commitments with shipping lines and Ecuadorian growers and exporters although costing higher and had to import containers to Mersin, Turkey and re-export them to Iran by road.

To facilitate the release of our shipments in the shortest time at customs, we have our own dedicated custom agents and have set up an efficient cooperative system built on trust to handle all necessary paper work.

The perishable nature of fresh produce requires special care in storage, handling and transport. To ensure the freshness of our produce and delivering them at their best quality, we pay particular attention to storage and transport, keeping speed in mind.

Appreciation from Maersk Line and OOCL for Zarrin Toranj's Successful and Continuous Collaboration

Upon arrival of fruits at cold store whether for export or import, all fruits undergo quality check and get monitored by experienced team of Zarrin QC by up to date equipment made by Sensitech and Bioconservacion companies (pulp thermometer, CO2 meter, humidity meter and Brix meter). Quality reports are prepared to be sent to the exporters/Growers to inform them the quality status and probable deficiencies to assist them improve quality.
Training banana ripening technicians with USA Catalytic Generators which were imported directly by Zarrin from its international agents was of the priorities to ensure ripening and storing bananas at highest quality.
Acknowledgements of Zarrin Group by shipping lines; Maersk line and OOCL.
